Bootstrap Based HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor

Click me to edit!

The Problem

There are many text editors out there, yet nothing feels right:

  • TinyMCE, CKEdit etc: For industrial strength editing.
  • Aloha, Mercury: Web 2.0, but still missing something.
  • Boostrap WYSIWYG By Mindmup: Nice but too light.

Here is the feature list we wanted:

  • Bootstrap themed
  • Lightweight and easy to configure
  • For fixed (contenteditable) + inline editing
  • HTML editing
  • Image insertion

The Solution

We built a simple editor based on Boostrap WYSIWYG By Mindmup and added

  • HTML editing and beautify_html
  • Inline and fixed options
  • Simple API
  • Extendable

Dependencies (bundled in repository)

  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • JQuery.Hotkeys
  • Beautify HTML
  • Class (by John Resig)

Fixed Editor

Pass editor option with content to be edited

// fixed editor
var fixed = new bsEditor({
	editor: $(".editable-content"),
	toolbar_style: {
		"background-color": "black"

Inline Editor

Pass parent option pointing to the parent element.

// inline
var inline = new bsEditor({
	parent: $("#inline-parent"),
inline.set_input("Write Something!")


Option Description
editor For fixed mode, this element will become contenteditable
parent For inline mode, make editor in this element
toolbar_style CSS for toolbars
onsave Function to be called on saving (fixed mode)
oncancel Function to be called on cancel (fixed mode)
change Function to be called on change (inline mode)


Method Description
set_input(html) Set HTML in Editor
get_value() Get Inner HTML
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